Digital Drawing
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Exploring Creativity Through Digital Illustration
I’ve always loved drawing and started out with pencil sketches before discovering the world of digital art, which immediately intrigued me. All of the art below was created on an iPad, using Procreate and an Apple pencil. A mix of realism and semi-realism have been rewarding styles for my exploration lately; it truly embodies ‘trusting the process’ and having a vision, where 80% of the work doesn’t quite look right until it all clicks together in the final stages. As you’ll see here, I have oftend gravitate toward drawing people.
I’ve included digital illustration in my portfolio to demonstrate my range, creativity, and passion for design beyond traditional business projects. During my time as a freelance designer, I collaborated on various projects, from calligraphy to design to illustration. Some pieces here are inspired personal works, while others were commissioned by clients.